Labour in Witney Constituency The Constituency Labour Party for Witney, Carterton, Faringdon and surrounding towns and villages
New housing is being built apace in our local towns and villages. But how much of it is affordable? We want to expand the range of housing including shared ownership schemes, self-build, social rented homes and specialist provision for older people and those with disabilities, for example.
Through closer partnership with housing associations we can see growth in housing, but much of it is too expensive for local families. Nationally the Government must do more to provide affordable homes, but also they need to get out of the way of councils who know how to build them.
We also campaign to make sure that we get the right homes in the right places, with roads and schools and investment in services to support them. Both existing and new residents should benefit, and that means protecting the right of our local councils and citizens to make decisions on new building, not people in Whitehall and Westminster. We oppose the proposed changes to planning law from Government which will take away local democracy and deny us a say.